Performance von Webseiten messen mit YSlow
Im letzten Artikel wurden schon die Page Speed Tools vorgestellt, mit denen es unter anderem möglich ist, die Geschwindigkeit der Auslieferung von Webseiten zu messen. Ein weiteres Tool mit ähnlichen Aufgaben und Zielen ist YSlow, welches von Yahoo entwickelt wurde.
Yahoo bewirbt YSlow mit dem Ziel die Performance von …
Mit den Page Speed Tools Webseiten optimieren
Das Page Speed Projekt wurde von Google ins Leben gerufen und soll Webentwicklern und Administratoren helfen ihre Webseite so zu optimieren, dass sie möglichst schnell beim Betrachter angezeigt werden kann. Dabei soll die Arbeit mit möglichst hilfreichen Tipps unterstützt werden.
Für Page Speed gibt es verschiedene Tools. So gibt …
New Project: Nightly Package Builder
The Nightly Package Builder consists of a bash and a python script. It helps us to build the source packages for our Nightly Package Builder service. We use it for a while now and from time to time we add new features. It's open source and we want to share it with the community. So here it is.
For more information have a look at the Nigltly Package Build project page.
Hugin updates and Oneiric packages
Hugin 2011.0.0 comes with some new features like the Python API and therefor it has a few new build dependencies. I have updated the build dependencies for the nightly builds. All the new features should be available now.
Since today there are also nightly builds available for the upcoming Ubuntu 11.10(Oneiric Ocelot).
Currently nightly builds are available for:
- Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 10.10
- Ubuntu 11.04
- Ubuntu 11.10
TuVedi 0.2 has just been released. This release comes with many new features. It's still in a pre alpha state but it's much more stable than version 0.1. To get it up and running a template for PyPoly is required. I'm looking forward to release TuVedi 0.3 …
It's time for a new project. TuVedi is the Infosys successor. It's web-based, has a admin interface and can be extended by widgets and templates. Yesterday I have published the source and I have released version 0.1. It's currently in alpha state, but I will release version 0.2 really soon.
For more information have a look at the Tuvedi project page.
InfoSys is a very basic system to show some information on a beamer or on a monitor. It's based on Python, ImageMagick and some simple text files.
For more information have a look at the InfoSys project page.
Today hugin was updated in the nightly build service.
- Updating build information to work with the latest source
- Adding libpano to build nightly
- Adding hugin and libpano package for Ubuntu 11.04(Natty Narwhal)
iFriend: Twisted-Connector 0.1 released
- Oscar: supporting ICQ, but only with plain text
- Jabber: supporting Jabber
- Jabber: supporting formatted text
For more information have a look at the ImFriend project page.
PyPoly is a small Python web-framework. It's development has been started back in April 2008. It was originally the core of an other web-project. In late 2008 the web-project was split into PyPoly(the core) and some modules and plugins(the rest of the project). In 2009 PyPoly was available for public usage, but there were some issues with the project page and the bug tracker in 2010 and a good documentation was still missing.
Today PyPoly gets a new project page and we hope we can release more information soon.