check_rittal_cmc3 available from Icinga Exchange
The check_rittal_cmc3 monitoring plugin has been release a few days ago. Since today it is also available from the Icinga Exchange repository.
Monitoring plugin check_rittal_cmc3 0.2 released
Today the sources of the check_rittal_cmc3 monitoring plugin version 0.2 have been released.
dionaea 0.4.0 released and plans for the future
Today dionaea 0.4.0 has been released with a new config format.
Monitoring plugin check_rittal_cmc3 0.3 released
Version 0.3 of the check_rittal_cmc3 monitoring plugin has been released.
dionaea 0.3.0 released and plans for the future
Today dionaea 0.3.0 has been released with a lot of cool new features.
A new home for the dionaea honeypot
Dionaea is a low-interaction honeypot. In the past I have worked primarily on the sip support and some other features. The website hosting the original dionaea sources ( is down for a few weeks now.
Some people have asked me if it is possible to go on with the development and provide new nightly builds.
So far I have published the latest sources on GitHub and started to provide new nightly builds for Ubuntu 14.04 on Launchpad.
I'm looking forward to add new features.
Stay tuned!