Dionaea is meant to be a nepenthes successor, embedding python as scripting language, using libemu to detect shellcodes, supporting ipv6 and tls. It can emulate various services and protocols like SMB, HTTP, SIP, UPNP etc.
Short history
- 2009 - Markus Koetter started to work on dionaea
- 2011 - The sip stack has been rewrite during the Google Summer of Code 2011
- 2013-2015 - Development stagnated
- 2014 - I have fixed some bugs to get run dionaea on Ubuntu 14.04
- 2015 - Some developer have published some fixes on GitHub
- November 2015 - The Server hosting the original sourcecode have disappeared
- December 2015 - We have published the sources on GitHub and started to improve dionaea
Join us on GitHub and help to make dionaea more awesome.
Additional information
- dionaea 0.8.0 released (15.06.2018)
- dionaea maintenance (12.04.2017)
- dionaea 0.6.0 released (14.11.2016)
- New ansible role to install dionaea released (17.10.2016)
- dionaea 0.5.1 released (05.09.2016)
- dionaea 0.5.0 released (06.08.2016)
- dionaea 0.4.2 released (02.07.2016)
- dionaea 0.4.1 released (14.06.2016)
- dionaea 0.4.0 released and plans for the future (31.05.2016)
- dionaea 0.3.0 released and plans for the future (30.03.2016)
- A new home for the dionaea honeypot (22.12.2015)
- NPB: Dionaea packages for Ubuntu 12.04 (24.07.2012)
- Improve MySQL support for dionaea (11.10.2016)
- dionaeas new config format (07.05.2016)
- Customize dionaeas FTP service (25.02.2016)
- How to install dionaea on Arch Linux (06.02.2016)
- Customize SSL certificate of dionaea (16.01.2016)
- How to install dionaea on Ubuntu 14.04 (03.01.2016)
- Setup a dionaea development environment (27.12.2015)
- Install dionaea on Ubuntu 14.04 (22.08.2014)
- Dionaea: Howto install Dionaea using a PPA (18.08.2011)
- Honeypots dionaea und nepenthes wieder verfügbar (18.03.2010)